Member Log-In — WMFA

A Legacy of Music, Love and Community: Remembering Julie Sooy (1967-2024)


WMFA Member Page

Welcome to the WMFA membership page! Here you will find answers to all of your membership questions. Topics include social media, member handbook, WMFA Bylaws, board member contact information and information about planned giving. An all-in-one page to upload ideas, social media content, and calendar events.


2025-2026 Open Board Positions






To fully prepare for the next rehearsal, ensure you have reviewed the director's notes and suggestions. If you are having trouble accessing the document, please verify that you are a current member of the West Michigan Flute Association. If you still encounter issues, it is recommended to contact the music director directly for assistance.

Social Media

Join us on WMFA social media sites! We encourage you to view, share, and post on facebook and instagram!

Do you, friend, or family member take a fantastic photo you would would like to share?

WMFA Member Materials & Policies

Materials for members - handbook, bylaws, attendance policies, concert attire, & board member contact information.


west michigan flute association materials

Member Handbook

Bylaws of WMFA


west michigan flute orchestra policies

Attendance Policies - All members are expected to attend all rehearsals.  1 rehearsal is acceptable to miss, with prior notification, and 2 can be excused with permission of the director. The director’s decision is final in all matters pertaining to absences from rehearsals, dress rehearsals, or concerts

Concert Attire -

Men:  Black tuxedo or suit; white shirt, black bow time; black socks and black shoes

Women:  black dress slacks or black skirt, with a black top (medium to long sleeves; NO sleeveless or short sleeve tops); black dress (medium to long sleeves); black hose or socks (should not be able to see through hose); black shoes.



This calendar includes:

  • Rehearsals

  • Performances

  • Community Events

  • Challenges

  • and more!

Do you have an event you would like to add to the calendar?

Board of Directors Contact List


Martha Matthews, Music Director

Melissa Grey, President (2022-2026)

Abigail Walsh, Vice President, (2022 - 2025)

Aline Snoeyink, Treasurer, (2021 - 2025)

Cindy Vedders Secretary, (2022 - 2026)

Denise Pietri, Personnel Director (2024-2026)

Stephanie Keeler, Past President

Barbara Saks, Member At Large (2024-2026)

Rebecca VandeWalker, member at Large (2021-2025)

Karen Betz Griewahn, Member at Large (2023-2025)

(Specializes in youth programming and NFA planning)


Planned Giving

Planned giving is a great way to help out your favorite charities.  We would hope that you would consider West Michigan Flute Association in your giving plans.  There are several ways that you can do this:

1.  Give a regular donation every year.  These may be deducted on your personal federal tax return since WMFA is a 501c3 organization.  

2.  If you are taking required minimum donations (RMD's) from your IRA  then consider making a charitable donation to WMFA from your IRA.  This can be just a portion of your RMD such as $100 or $1000.

3.  Consider leaving a bequest for WMFA in your will.  This is easily done and can be any dollar amount or property.  e. g. You could leave your musical instrument or music library to WMFA

4.  Consider giving us your musical instrument now.  This has been done several times already by members.  Sometimes it was done when they were upgrading to a better instrument or when it was no longer practical to have the instrument

In any event we at WMFA appreciate your patronage and are pleased to continue providing quality flute programs and ensembles for you to participate in or enjoy.  We have been very responsible in handling our donations having purchased over $60,000 in instruments and commissioned more than 20 new pieces of music. 

Thank you for considering WMFA in your donation plans.

WMFA Donation form


IRA - Qualified Charitable Distributions

Charitable Contributions Guide

Charitable Contributions Record Keeping Requirements